
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Along Came A Spider {Halloween Printable}

I saw this printable on Pinterest and I just HAD to make it for my Halloween decor this year!

I took an a frame that I bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby that I had been meaning to fix up and spray painted it black.  I chose black for Halloween of course, but also so that I can create my own printables and change them throughout the year.  Black is a safe color to go with everything, and it goes with my home decor as well.  (I will go back one day and fix the chipped edges, but for now you can't even tell unless you examine it closely.)

I then took my printable in the correct size (it comes in two sizes and can be downloaded here), cut it out and put directly into my newly painted frame. 

That was it ~ so easy!!!  A frame and a printable...can't get any easier than that!

Off to bed I go now, I have a busy week at work and it is getting late.  I am so excited though that I got my first Halloween project done this weekend.  I wish I had more time to do things like this.  One project at a time and hopefully I will get to all of them one day!
