
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Care Bears Party {First Birthday}

Last month my baby girl turned one!  I love watching her grow into a beautiful little girl with the most precious personality, but I don't want her growing up too fast!  There just isn't enough time to watch her laugh and smile and play...melts my heart when I see that gorgeous smile.

I wanted to do something extra special and super cute for her first birthday.  I went back and forth for a while before I made a final decision for a Care Bear birthday party.  I love Care Bears and last summer I went a little crazy on EBay and bought a few Care Bears for Miss Priss.  Okay, not a few, a lot!  More than I really needed too, but they are all so cute and I couldn't help myself.

The most special part of this birthday theme is though that my nursery was Care Bears.  What a wonderful reason to pick it for my little girls first birthday party!  I am not the only one that likes Care Bears though...Miss Priss loves to carry her Care Bears around the house and drag them out of her closet after I pick them all up.

I was so excited for the Care Bears theme and the rainbow colors!  We had the party at the public library and there were several stipulations about hanging things on the walls, balloons, etc.  By the time I got through with the list, I realized that we couldn't do anything except for table decorations and so I had to get creative.

Colored tablecloths were draped in order across the table and bright blue plates and napkins stood out on top of the pastel rainbow colors.  I am not big on pink...I just hate that everything for girls is always pink!  I don't mind pink being a part of the party, but I didn't want it to be ALL pink just becuase it is for a little girl.
My aunt and I made rainbow pinwheels with colorful buttons in the middle to place on the tables.  I found some cute tins in the dollar spot at Target.  They were perfect toplace the pinwheels in...and since I recycle gift bags and tissue paper, I had paper in every color to help hold the pinwheels in place.  And of course, I had to sit some Care Bears around too. 
I printed a few Care Bears pictures off the internet and placed them in painted frames from the Dollar Tree.  Rainbow candy was placed in bowls around the cake.  Jolly Ranchers, Licorice, M&M's, Gumballs and Life Savers are the candies that I chose that were rainbow colored, though there are a lot more that you can choose from.
My mom is awesome!  She spent two nights after work making that rainbow with colored tulle glued onto a piece of cardboard which is attached to a bent piece of rebar cemented into two plastic cups.  We used pillow polyfill to cover the cups and look like clouds.

My mom even had the help of my sister and aunt from time to time and it still took that long to make.  We decided that we will have to find a way to fit it into every party we throw from now on since it took so much time to make!  LOL

Strawberry and orange flavored cookies and sherbert punch finished up the tables goodies.  Oh, and another Care Bear!  :)
I made a few rainbow wands for the little girls at the party to keep them entertained as well.  Winter birthdays can be hard to keep the little ones entertained inside so I thought this might help.

Check out the Rainbow Ribbon Wand Tutorial and Template here.
And finally for the cake!  The cake was super yummy and exactly what I was wanting.  I was going to make the cake myself because I have taken some cake decorating classes, but had so many other things to do that I decided to keep my stress level down, buy a cake at the grocery store and focus on the rest of the party. 

I wanted a cake with blue icing, Care Bear figurines, a rainbow and clouds...everything that represents what we all know about Care Bears!  It turned out just like I wanted and it was so good!  Yeah!
And just like every first birthday, a smash cake for the birthday girl was made to match.
Miss Priss just loved opening her presents and sitting in her birthday rocking chair that memew and poppa got her. 
Oh, and I almost forgot...for all the other Care Bears that we had that wouldn't fit on the big table, we put on clouds of polyfill in the middle of the guest tables for a little Care Bear touch there too.  I just love those cute little Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins too!
After presents we let Miss Priss have some cake too!  She wasn't really that into it and I think by the time it was over with she had more cake on her feet than her hands and I think I might have had more icing on me than she had on her!  I knew to take a change of clothes for the baby, but no one ever told me that I would need a change of clothes for myself!  LOL
And then of course, every first birthday has to have an episode like this..
It was a simple, yet perfect birthday party for such a perfect little girl!  Love those Care Bears and love the baby girl even more!

Party Planning #2 {Printable}

More party printables for your use! 

I created some party printables a few months ago when I was planning a baby shower, an anniversary party and a birthday party and needed to keep myself in check and not confused.  After using them for these and other events I found some modifications that I wanted to add to make them more to my liking.

These new printables are more user friendly and allow more options without having to write so much by hand.  You will see what I mean..

AND, these are pdf forms that can actually be edited and printed as a pdf!  You can also save your edits so that you come come back and make changes as you please.  What a time saver...and much easier to read than my sloppy handwriting.  When I have ideas running through my head I am a much faster typist and it is much more legible when I am done!

Click on the links below to download a printable version, which can also be edited before printing.
 I used the Sahlin Studio The Carefree Day scrapbooking kit to design my activity planning worksheets.  You can download this kit for free personal use here:
Check out the first party printables post here!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Printables

Valentine's Day!  Valentine's Day! 

I had to get in just one more fun project before Valentine's Day actually got here!  As I have said before, I really enjoy printables...printables for home organization, grocery and to do lists, labels and holidays.  I especially like the ones for picture frames that I can swap in and out easily. 

Just print them on the printer and snap them into a frame.  When you are done, you can change it out with the next holiday or seasonal printable you want to display.  I also like printables with quotes and lyrics to some of my all-time favorite songs!

My first set of Valentine's Day printables are all about pinks and reds and even purples.  Purple is my favorite color and so I always have to include it as well when I am creating printables!  The especially like the font on this one since it looks like it was handwritten, much like a love letter. sweet!

Who doesn't like Conversation Hearts?  I remember getting these as a my Valentine's box at school...and oh, they are so yummy too!  I still like them today...they are cute and fun and tasty all at the same time. 

Trying not to eat a lot of candy for about another way to bring Conversation Hearts back into your home for Valentine' a printable?  There are more than plenty of phrases and colors to choose from and more modern and tech savvy phrases have become available over the last several years, but I picked out a few colors and phrases that I like best and created some small printables from them.

Wouldn't these be cute in some small white picture frames?  Pick two or three of your favorites and make a collage of photo frames!  These would also make a cute little gift for your Valentine or that special person in your life.

Happy Valentine's Day!  Hope you have a wonderful day with someone special!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Heart Art

Valentine's Day is almost here!  Only a few days away!

Although we don't usually make a 'real' big deal about this loveable holiday around my house, who doesn't enjoy a day all about love?  About hugs and kisses?  Hearts?  Infinite shades of pinks and reds?  A day all about admiration? 

Just thinking about Valentine's Day makes me smile and one of the things that I love most about holidays is decorating my what better time to do something that you love but for Valentine's Day.

I made these hugs and kisses blocks a while back and almost forgot about them!  I got them out this weekend and when I put them on my buffet in the living room, it just looked a little plain.  I wanted something else, something that jumped out at me when I looked across the living room.  I have lots of picture frames and so I decided to make something similar to an idea that I found online a few weeks ago.

Valentine's Heart Art
You will need:
  • old frame
  • pencil with eraser
  • white cardstock
  • scrap piece of paper or cardstock
  • colored Sharpies (or colored pencils, crayons, markers, lipstick)
Cut one piece of cardstock the right size to fit in your frame.  Fold the scrap piece of paper and cut out a heart that fits on the cardstock that you cut out for your frame.  Lay your heart on the cardstock to make sure that it is the right size.  You can continue to shape your heart until you have it the right size and shape that you want and that it fits on the caardstock that will be in the frame.
Lay the heart on the cardstock and trace around it lightly with a pencil.  Remove the heart and make sure that your outline is correctly placed in the center of the cardstock.  I then erased the pencil marking until it was just enough for me to see, but light enough to be covered when you begin coloring in your heart.

I used three different colored Sharpie markers...light pink, pink and red...alternating, to scribble inside the pencil outline of the heart.  You can use markers, crayons, colored pencils or even lipstick to create your art.  You can use a variety of colors, you can use shades or purples, blues, or whatever you would like.  This is your creation!

After you have created your art, snap it in your frame and don't forget to smile each time you see it!
This piece of artowrk can be altered for a baby room, bedroom, wedding decor, or other events in a variety of colors.  You can do a tree for Christmas, a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day...hey, that is an idea! 

There are many different ideas that can be created from this concept.  It was such an easy project, I have a feeling I will be using it again very soon!