
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt {Printable}

Spring is here!  Spring is here!  Today is the first day of spring! 
I am soooo ready for some warmer weather and am also soooo glad that it is not dark when I get home now.  I like to be able to do some things outside when I get home and the weather here in Oklahoma has been so great this week!  I am looking forward to some more great weather and working outside in the garden in preparation for this summer.
The start of spring and being able to spend time outside reminds me that it is almost time for Easter and I know that there will be a lot of Easter Egg Hunts going on over the next two weekends.  I just love holidays and this year my mother asked me to help her with some ideas and printables for her Easter celebration at church and while we were brainstorming and searching the internet for ideas I decided to make a simple, but cute Easter Egg Hunt printable.  The colors that represent are so pretty and it is one of my favorite holidays. 
I didn't have time to make anything extravagant, but with the help of Photoshop I was able to come up with a few different colors and designs for my Easter Egg Hunt printable.  All of the images below are designed for printing on a regular 8" x 10" sheet of paper and can be downloaded using the link below each image.  Whether you like pink, blue, green or purple there is a printable in all colors.  These printables would also be cute in a simple white frame and used for a decoration as well!
Feel free to use any of these printables for your Easter celebrations and decor!


  1. I get home and the weather here in Oklahoma has been so great this week! easter egg hunts

    1. Yes it has, but I hear colder weather may be on it's way back...hopefully it won't last long!
